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Book Chapter (co-authored):
"The Art of Liminality: Sea, Saudade, and Liminality"


Sub-chapter on 13th-century Galician-Portuguese cantigas d'amigo (Galician-Portuguese medieval love songs from the female perspective) related to the sea, saudade (longing), and how they express liminal concepts.​


 Júlia Coelho, "Joachim Burmeister, Wolfgang Schonsleder, and
Christian Bernhard: Theory or Theories of Musical-Rhetorical Figures?" (2021)
Article in Journal Harmonia (Peer-reviewed)
(History of Music Theory)


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Peer-Reviewed article on History of Music Theory: 17th-century German Musica Poetica.​

 Júlia Coelho, “Claudio Monteverdi and L'Orfeo, Favola in Musica:  Character Construction and Depiction of Emotion” (2019)

 Article in Journal Philomusica Online (Peer-reviewed)
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Article expanded and developed from the paper delivered at the 2017 International Conference on the Italian composer Claudio Monteverdi: The Making of a Genius - Claudio Monteverdi from Cremona to Mantua at the Università di Pavia, Mantua and Cremona in Italy (June 7–10). 


See conference results report:

Thomas Dunn, “Monteverdi in Cremona and Mantua” Early Music, Oxford Univ Press (Aug. ‘17)


Cerone and Schonsleder, Musical Interpretation of Text in Vocal Polyphony  (2018)
Book Translation Italian to English by Júlia Coelho
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Two early seventeenth-century music theorists, Pietro Cerone and Wolfgang Schonsleder, show by means of numerous examples the art of translating text into music. In addition to the usual imitation of actions and physical attributes, an almost complete musical vocabulary denoting affections and emotional expressions is provided to the reader. In the excerpts chosen, Schonsleder expressed a new and specifically-directed interest in the emotions related to expectation: suspense, surprise, uncertainty, and laughter. Each example is accompanied by a detailed explanation. 

Júlia Coelho, Fragmentos de infinito (2017)
Poetry by Júlia Coelho; Drawings by Gabriel Coelho
(Collaborative Project - Original Poetry in Portuguese)


Portuguese poetry written between 2005-2012; illustrations by Gabriel Coelho.

Poesia em português escrita entre 2005-2012. Ilustrações de Gabriel Coelho.


For order inquiries, please submit your request here.

Para informações/encomendas, por favor envie o seu pedido aqui.

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Júlia Coelho, "Charles Burney’s Account on

Händel’s Commemoration in 1784 on Messiah" (2015) 


Annotated translation from English to Italian in

Händel. Il Messiah. Analisi e critica di un classico








La via attraverso cui il Messiah di Händel (1741) diventò un classico della musica inglese ed europea non fu, almeno negli ambienti colti, del tutto priva di ostacoli. Le due autorevoli voci qui raccolte, quelle dello scrittore e moralista John Brown (1715-1766) e del musicista e storico della musica Charles Burney (1726-1814), rappresentano nel primo caso le perplessità, se non le antipatie nutrite soprattutto da alcuni letterati inglesi coevi verso il compositore sassone naturalizzato, nel secondo la postuma consacrazione del suo oratorio più popolare e con essa la nascita di un mito nazionale, Händel rappresentante dello spirito britannico, tuttora vivo. In appendice il libretto di Charles Jennens.

Lúcio-Villegas, “A construção da cidadania participativa através da educação” (2012)
Article Translation Spanish to Portuguese by Júlia Coelho, 
in Revista Lusófona de Educação
(Social Education)
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Translation of scholar Lúcio-Villegas's article on Social Education.


(Keywords: Adult Education, Citizenship, Participation)

Júlia Coelho, Review of Reflections on Gender
and Science, Evelyn Fox Keller (2010)
Book Review in Portuguese, in Philosophica
(Philosophy and Gender Studies)


Review of Fox Keller's book on the construction and development of Gender and Science as concepts that grew parallel to

each other throughout history.


For other publications regarding musicology program notes, translations, poetry, and creative writing, please refer to the Curriculum Vitae section of this website, or visit my "Academia" page.

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